Friday, March 11, 2016

Sample to learn speaking

You will find the some recorded sample of speaking. Listen carefully and try to learn how to speak in the exam.
There are 3 recordings (B1, B2, and C1) in each category. Those are level for marking;
1. B1- very lowest
2. B2- medium
3. C1- Good (definitely 65+ minimum).

Try to listen and adopt the fluency and style from the speaker (surely C1).

sample to learn speaking-click here

Listen again and again, then start practicing. Grab the style and fluency, pronunciation. You have to understand well where you have to stop and where not to.

Try to speak this way when you practice materials. 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Writing Paragraph

Paragraphs and Points

Mass Media: 

1. Nowadays, the mass media including TV, radio and newspaper have become the essential part of our lives. What is your opinion?
I believe it has become a very important past of our lives as it is-

  • Source of entertainment- Watching movies, dramas, songs, Passing our leisure time, 
  • Inexpensive- Very cheap and affordable. 
  • Source of news and information- We get all information about recent events, inventions, and enhances our knowledge and ideas. 
2.  The mass media including TV, Radio and newspaper influence our society and shape our opinions and characters. What is your opinion?
I completely agree that mass media influences our opinions and behaviour- 
  • Manipulate our views and choices- Advertisement provides us more options to choose and forces us to spend more. Attracts towards the glamours world. 
  • Influence culture and behaviour- Young generations and teenagers are influenced by TV. They follow Western culture and beliefs. 
  • Manipulated by the news- whatever it telecasts we believe and start thinking like that. It can easily produce a bad or good limelight. 

Mass Communication: 

3.Information revolution has changed the way of mass communications and had some negative and positive effects on individual lives as well as on society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Communication has changed significantly in the last 10 years. Discuss pros and cons impacts. 

-       Cheaper, faster and efficient, instant messaging, video calls
-       Source of news and information- updated about the recent news regarding events and inventions.
-       Bridging the cultural gap by communicating and exchanging views.

  • Waste of Time
  • Manipulate our view and choices
  • Influence culture and behaviour
  • Young generation and teenagers are influenced by media


Introduction of Listening test in PTE

Listening test consists of summarizing spoken text, multiple choices questions, fill in the blanks, highlighting correct summary, incorrect words, missing words, and dictations. 

Section 1: Summarize the spoken text:
There will be 2 items, and you will be asked to summarize the spoken text within 50- 70 words.

  • Note down the key words, most repetitive words, dates, name of place and important events. 
  • Use those words to make sentences up to 50- 70 words. 

Example of Summary:       
# Introduction- term/ topic/ meaning/ - (technological nature refers to computerized picture or graphical view). 
# Main points – supportive idea- (It affects people health). 
• Example – (Patient’s room background with garden view). 
• Research- (2 groups with natural or real view and virtual view). 
• Result- (recovery faster with real view). 

For practice: 

Section 2:

Multiple-choice questions: 
You will be given few seconds before starting the recording. You should skim the questions and options. Then, listen the recording carefully and understand the content. Then, select the correct option/s.

Fill in the blanks: 
Try to write down in the note pad first. Then, copy it in the blanks.

For practice:

Highlight correct summary: 
Make note in the note pad. Write down the key words and understand the content. Then, see all the options, and select the most close one. You can use the eliminate option.

Select the missing word:
Listen very carefully the lecture and understand the content. Then, select the option which matches the content.

Highlight incorrect words: 
You have to pay very close attention here. You have to select the words which do not match the lecture.

If you are not very fast in typing and listening simultaneously like me, I will suggest to write down it on the paper first in a short form or ( the way you understand). Then, copy it in the answer box.


GOOD LUCK.......

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Introduction of Reading Section

The reading part consists of several types of questions, for example MCQ, Re-order paragraph, Fill in the blanks.

1. Multiple-choice, choose single answer:
In this section, you read a text (300 words). You are given a multiple choice question with 3- 5 answer options. You choose the one correct answer option. There can be 2 or 3 of these items.

2. Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers:
In this section, you read a text up to 300 words. You will be given a multiple-choice question with five to seven answer options. 2 or 3 questions may appear.

3. Re-order paragraph:
You will be given a text divided into paragraphs in the wrong order. You will be asked to correct the order. Items 2 or 3.

5. Reading: Fill in the blanks:
You read a text up to 80 words which has blanks in it. You drag words from a box and drop each word onto the correct blank to complete the text. Items 4- 5

6. Reading and Writing: Fill in the blanks:
You read a text up to 300 words which has blanks in it. You click on each blank and a drop down list appears. You have to choose the correct word from each list to complete the text. Items 5- 6

Solving Multiple-choice: 

First read the question and get the idea what you have to look for, for example, summary, writer's opinion or certain things. Then, read the passage and get the whole idea and understand the content. Then, look at the options and get the answer. You can also apply the eliminate approach. 
In case of multiple answer, read the option first and understand each properly. It will save your time as you do not need to read the options and look for the answer in the paragraph again and again. Then, eliminate the wrong answers. Finally when you get the final answers select it and go to the next option. Do not spend too much time on one question. 

One example has drawn here-

In this question, the information we are looking for is main purpose of the paragraph. Read the paragraph and understand the content. The answer is C as the paragraph is about the potential benefits. Still if you are not sure, use the eliminate method.
A- paragraph is no about the common use of power
B- Its not about problems
C- ?
D- No info about how it produced.
So, the final answer is only C

Multiple answer example:

Clue of information to find- what statements are true about the lake?
B- in paragraph floating trees
E- Travels quite extensively......rapidity
F- Pilots communicate.....matter of safety.

Practice source:

2. Re-order Paragraph: 

  • Skim the sentences, and look for the topic sentence which introduces the topic. Topic sentence stands alone and does not contain any reference to any information. 
  • Look for linking words- however, in addition, pronoun- he/she, it, and article, the (a for first mention, the afterwards). 
  • Remember, sentences with these linking words cannot be the first sentence. 
  • Attention to the structure. For example- It is any cause or effect paragraph. 1st sentence- topic, 2nd sentence cause, 3/4 sentences effect, and last sentence- conclusion. 

3. Fill in the Blanks: 

  • Read the text and get the idea of the topic.
  • Look for the key words that carry the meaning. 
  • Look at the words around the blanks, use grammar rules and choose sentences
  • Think about collocation. 
For practice: 

Here is the link for fill in the blanks- only reading section: 

For reading and Writing section:

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Writing section

Writing sections 3-6 contain a number of individually-timed items. Test takers are required to write two summaries and one essay OR three summaries and one essay OR two summaries and two essays.

Summarize written text: 

In this section, you read a text (up to 300 words). You will be asked to summarize the text in one sentence and within 5 to 75 words. You will be given 10 minutes to complete the task.

Tips to summarize the written text: 

  • To summarize written, first skim text for the general topic, read the text thoroughly to understand the overall meaning and get the main ideas.
  • Note the main idea and supporting ideas using key words (ignoring any unnecessary facts, description options).
  • Then, type the main point of passage in the box and add the supporting details, and link together the ideas using comma and conjunction.
  • Remember, your response must be one sentence only, between 5 and 75 words. 
  • If there are multiple paragraphs, the first paragraph will typically be an introduction to the topic, and will often include a brief description of what will be discussed. The last paragraph will typically close with a conclusion. Pay special attention to the introduction and the conclusion.
  • Keep your summary to a maximum of 30-50 words. The response box has an indicator that will tell you how many words you have written. If you are getting close to your word limit, but still need to write more, edit your sentence to remove unnecessary words, especially adjectives and adverbs. These can often be omitted.
  • Check your grammar, vocabulary. Does your sentence begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop? 
Links for practicing summary writing: 

Write an essay:

You will be given a topic ( an argumentative, description, narrative, problem & solution, cause & effect). You will be asked to write an essay on the given topic within 200 -300 words and 20 minutes to complete the task.

How to write an essay: 

  • First, analyse the essay and understand the topic and task. What is the topic and what kind of topic- argumentative or only opinion. 
  • Make notes to present your position with example and evidence. 
  • Paragraph must be within 4-5 para. Introduction, Body para 1, Body para 2, and Conclusion. 
  • Word must be 200- 300, time limit only 20 minutes. 
  • After writing, take few minutes to check grammar, and spelling. 

Write an introduction: 

Not more than 4 sentences- 

1. Background sentences- a general statement ( broad statement) 
2. Detailed background- statement in details but more close to the topic (narrow statement)
3. Thesis - own opinion or take position
4. Outline- what we are going to do in the paragraph to support the thesis. 

Supporting Paragraph 1: 

1. Topic sentences- 1st reason, point (what)
2. Example- provide an example
3. Discussion- explain (how or why)
4. Conclude the body paragraph

Supporting Paragraph 2:

Other side point of view:
1. Topic sentences- 1st reason, point (what)
2. Example- provide an example
3. Discussion- explain (how or why)
4. Conclude the body paragraph


Consists of 3 sentences: 
1. Summary of the topic sentences
2. Restatement of thesis
3. Predict or recommendation based on the last sentences of introduction. 

Some common topics in PTE: 

1. Nowadays, the mass media including TV, radio and newspaper have become the essential part of our lives. What is your opinion?

2. The mass media including TV, Radio and newspaper influence our society and shape our opinions and characters. What is your opinion?

3. Information revolution has changed the way of mass communications and had some negative and positive effects on individual lives as well as on society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

4. Communication has changed significantly in the last 10 years. Discuss pros and cons impacts

5. "Marketing strategy for big companies should be placed on offer and discounts, and in what ways this can impact on their reputation.

6. Some people think law changes our behaviour. Discuss. 

7. Some people believe law changes human behaviour. Do you agree/disagree?

8. Pros and Cons of extreme/adventure sports.

9. In education system, assessment through formal written examination still valid?

10. The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education- Einstein. What does he mean by that? And do you think he is correct?

11. The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. Agree or Disagree? 

12. "Value added by travel in Education Is travel a necessary component of education or not? Will scholar sitting at home have more knowledge than one who travels?

13. Travel to study is over rated; we have brilliant scholars who studied locally. Is travel really required for higher studies?

14. Large shopping malls are replacing small shops. Your opinion? Good or bad

15. Nowadays, people spend too much time at work to the extent that they hardly have time for their personal life. Discuss.

16. Do you think consumers should avoid over packaged products, or is it the responsibility of producers?

17. Many people think that regions affect successful person. What is your opinion about native region and accomplished person’s influence on the region he belongs to?

18. Roles of governments, companies and individuals to combat climate change

19. The environment we live in is in danger due to various problems. What are the underlying causes? Who is responsible to combat this? What measures?

20. It is usually foolish to get married before completing your studies and getting established in a good job? Do you agree or disagree".

21. Imitating celebrities in sports and movies good or bad?

22. Talk about pros/cons of this era as it is full of daily invention

23. Any recent invention that you think proved beneficial or detrimental to society

24. In the past 100 years, there have been many inventions such as antibiotics, airplanes and computers. What do you think is the most important of them? Why? Greatest invention in the last 100 years, medicine, science or technology?

25. What are the greatest inventions of the 20th century among medicine, aeroplane and computers, why?

26. Learning a new language at an early age is helpful for children. Is it more positive for their future aspect or have some adverse effects. Agree or disagree?

27. In under developed countries, tourism has disadvantages and can be said the opposite as well.

28. The space travel is fantastic these day and they are very fascinate towards its but there are many environmental problems in our planet we should resolve the problems or travel space and spend a lot of money.

29. “In a war of ideas, it is people who get killed”. Does a common man suffer from a group’s ideology? Express your opinion, and support the same with reasons and examples.

30. Company’s top-level authorities should get their employees in decision-making process. Discuss


Introduction of the test

This part of the test consists of some questions where an audio is listened to and then a spoken response given. This test is divided into 2 sections. 
Section 1: Personal introduction
Section 2: Read aloud, repeat sentences, describe images, re-tell lectures and answer short questions. 

Section 1: 

Personal Introduction

Although it is not marked, this part is also important. You will be allocated 1 minute to describe about ourselves. You will be given 1 minute to complete this task. The questions you will be asked: 
  • Your interests 
  • Your plans for future study
  • Why you want to study abroad
  • Why you need to learn English
  • Why you chose this test
A Sample: 
My full name is XYZ. I am from ABC. I am a student of Commerce. I finished my Master in Accounting and Finance. I like reading books, watching movies and travelling, I am taking this test as it is a requirement of the immigration for my permanent residency. Also, I believe PTE is a fair and without human involvement test. 

Section: 2

  1. Read aloud: In this section, you are given a text (up to 60 words) and are asked to read the text aloud. You do 6 to 7 of these items. It will assess your reading and speaking skills.
  2. Repeat Sentences: In this section, you hear a sentence. You are asked to repeat the sentence exactly as you heard it. You do ten to twelve of these items. 
  3. Describe Image: In this section, you are given an image (picture, graph, table, etc). You are asked to describe in detail what the image is showing. You do six to seven of these items. depending on the combination of items in your test. 
  4. Re-tell lecture: In this section, you hear a lecture, you are asked to retell the summary in your own words. There will be 3 to 4 lectures on this items. 
  5. Answer short question: In this section, you are asked a question, the answer to which is a word or short phrase. You will get 10 to 12 items. 

How to practice and be successful in the test 

Majority of people find PTE speaking is harder, get nervous and fail to get desire score. In this section, fluency and pronunciation are mainly get priority. First rule for this section is be confident about your speaking, and increase and improve your fluency and  pronunciation. I will describe one by one and give some tips and tactics. I hope it may help you. 

1. Read aloud: 

  • You will have 30-40 seconds to go through the text. Read it silently and try to figure out any words you do not know using context and word structure clues.
  • When you speak into the microphone, read every single word. Do not miss out words or rush through. Apply your letter-sound knowledge or phonemic awareness to pronounce unfamiliar words. 
  • When you speak, try to link the words within phrases and do not emphasize grammar words such as prepositions and articles. This will help achieve native-like rhythm and phrasing, and sound more fluent. 
  • Don't eat up any words. 
  • Read aloud before the microphone open. It may help you to continue the fluency and find out the unfamiliar words. Try to pronounce the unfamiliar words again and again. 
  • To learn this section, you can read any short paragraph or text from any book or newspaper. Develop a habit to read blogs or magazines and read it aloud. 
  • If you have pronunciation problem with any certain word, take help from online dictionary and play the word, listen and repeat again and again. Try to do that with similar words. 
You can practice from the given link below: 
Read aloud- click here

You can listen and read the script at the same time: 

2. Repeat sentences: 

You will be score on the correct word sequences that you produce in this item. You have to repeat as you listen. If you listen and remember any meaningful words, just repeat that one accurately. Make a mental note of the way the speaker uses stress and intonation, try to follow that one and repeat it.
It requires lots of practice, focus and development in short-term memory. Here is some resources to practice more and more.

For initial stage:

Link 1- click

Link 4- click

Link 5- click

Some important resources to practice repeat sentences: 

click here 1

click here 2

click here 3

click here 4

click here 5

click here 6

click here 7

3. Describe image: 

  • You will be given 25 seconds to prepare the answer, and 40 seconds to speak about it. 
  • You have to identify the main features or treads, and names of features or variable in labels. Identify the significant features, major contrasts or changes over time. ( Introduce the image, mention the highest/lowest point, trend and conclusion). 
  • Speak fluently, clearly ( do not rush). 
  • Here fluency and pronunciation will be assessed. 
  • Don't try to describe everything, only main features and trend. 
So, there are several types of images and charts can be appeared in the exam, for example, bar chart, line chart, pie chart, maps. flow charts, and any images that you will be asked to describe.
We just need to keep in mind that we have to fluent with a normal speed of speech and produce a clear pronunciation.
Divide the image in three section:
1. Introduce the graph/image- what type of image and what is about it?
2. Main/ key points - Highest and lowest number or percentage, what is the significant points?
3. Conclude it with the trend- upward trend, downward trend, or increased/ decreased, or no change.

Finish it within 4- 5 sentences. Keep it very simple. Remember that only your fluency and pronunciation will be assessed. 
A sample:

"The line graph shows the population of Denmark from year 1996 to 2007. The population was 5.25 million in year 1996 and about 5.45 million in year 2007. So, we can say Denmark’s population grew/increased steadily by 0.25 million".

How to describe a image: 

Some useful words and phrases to describe the image: 

Describe the Graph
What  How  How much Trend
Increase Present- Increase/Grow/Rise,        Past-                            increased, grew, rose,  Significantly/ rapidly/quickly, slowly, gradually, steadily, sharply by %, by (units), from X to Y an upward trend
Decrease Present- Decrease/fall/decline/drop, past- decreased/fell/declined/dropped Significantly/ rapidly/quickly, slowly, gradually, steadily, sharply by %, by (units), from X to Y a downward trend
No change Remain constant/static/the same, no change Remained unchanged

This link is really helpful to learn how to describe graphs and charts- click here

4. Re-tell lecture: 

  • You will be asked to summarize a lecture. As you listen, start taking notes of the main and supporting ideas. 
  • Don't write down everything you hear. Use key words, short form, symbols and arrows to capture the most important ideas. 
  • When the recording stops, you have 10 seconds to prepare you answer. 
  • Use notes to summarize all the main points and add as many supporting details or examples as you can, as well as any implications or conclusions. 
  • Speak clearly and at a natural pace. 
A short-cut suggestion to take note for re-tell lecture: 

Few links to practice re-tell lecture:

5. Answer short questions: 

You will be asked few short questions. You have to give the answer using a word or using few words.

Here is a file to practice short answer questions: click here